Sunday, August 26, 2012

Our 2nd and last lake Powell trip as a family of three!!!

Lake Powell was a little challenging with a one year old that isn’t afraid of anything.   He also wants to be, and thinks that he is, bigger than he really is.  

We learned that Owen’s favorite things are:  1) Freedom 2) Rocks 3) Throwing Rocks, 435) Mommy and Daddy.  We are pretty sure that everything between 3 and 435 is something rock or Pepsi related.  So understandably he was frustrated with the fact that there wasn’t very much he could do on his own especially on the boat.  He just loved roaming around on the sand following Mallory around and trying to take all of her pretties (Disney princesses if you aren’t up to speed on Mally-talk).  Really he just wanted to be doing whatever all the bigger cousins were doing.  Unfortunately he wasn’t much help to them as they were building sand castles.  He would just walk right up to their newest and greatest castle and sit on it.  Then he would just look at them like, “I here guys let’s play.”  All the cousins were very understanding of him and it made life a lot easier on me while we were there. 

The days were very long and hot.  It made it hard to get Owen to relax or take a nap.   And being 7 months pregnant made this extremely physically and mentally exhausting.  So I was so grateful for all the times the Sisters took Owen on boat rides to give me a break, and him a nap. 

By far the best part about Lake Powell was watching Michael and Owen play.  It was so funny to watch Owen follow Michael around on the beach.  Because they look and act so much alike, the only difference is that one of them is about 5ft taller and 6ft wider.  Michael even took Owen on a short tube ride with some of the other kids.  It was a total hit.  Owen thought he was in heaven and didn’t want to get off, and when Daddy forced him to, he screamed to get back on.  Really though, Lake Powell couldn’t have been more fun this year even though it was a lot of work.  Owen loved it and Mike and I loved watching him really see Lake Powell for the first time.
Utah Fun!!! 
Aunt Kristen’s pool

Jack Pot!!!
Now that's love...
Grandma’s sand box equals hours and hours of fun!!!

Lake Powell

This was so cute! He couldn’t find he’s way around the rope, so he would just crawl under it.  I finally showed him that he could also go over it. 

The littlest card shark.  "Gotta be quick with Owie.  I'm from Erie PA."
Going for a swim with Summer Santa and Mally.
I swear this girl would live in the lake if she could. 

Owen’s first tube ride with cousins and Daddy.
I love this cry face.

Aunt Eden took pity on Mommy and took our little pirate on lots of boat rides.  He loves his Eden.  YARRRG ZACHARY!!!!


Storming the castle.

Oh no! The King is dead!

Well, we have left Utah and are on our way to becoming citizens of Idaho….

We finally made the move and are all settled in our new home for the next few years.  Mike has already started school and things and going well there.  I’m not going to lie, it was pretty emotional leaving everyone and everything we know all over again.  We really love our family and are so grateful that we were able to spend so much time with all of them this summer before we made the move.   I’m really glad that we are doing this while our kids are small.  Having family so close to us definitely makes such a difference in our lives.  Not to mention that they are some of our only friends, but I guess that’s what will make it so much fun to visit.  When I watch Owen and can see how much he loves everyone as well.  I know he is missing running into the sewing room to steal some of Grandma’s Pepsi!!!  Grandma is number 4 on his favorite things list.  He lights up whenever he sees her picture on the Ipad, and he was really upset on Sunday when we face-timed with the family.  It was hard for him to understand that he couldn’t jump in the Ipad and go play with everyone.

One of the nice things about coming here is that there are lots of little families our age with just one or two kids.  We are all here together trying to do the same thing.  The moms in our ward get together once or twice a week and let the kids play.  We actually went on one today.  It was so nice to have people to talk to and let Owen run around with a bunch of other kids.  In the winter they let the kids run around the gym at the church while they do workout videos.  It sounds like a lot of fun just to go hang out and I will need to lose weight after the baby comes anyway.

We also have some of the cutest neighbors.  The day after we arrived they pulled up and started unloading their stuff.  Their adorable 18 month old boy was yelling out the window, Owen saw him and ran out the front door as fast as he could.  So Mike ran after him and introduced us.  Luckily our stuff was already in our house thanks to my Dad for driving us all the way up here and helping us unpack.  There is no way we would have been able to do this on our own.  Knowing this Michael quickly offered to help them get everything moved in while I took their two kids to our house to play with Owen.  Owen adores both of their kids and their 4 year old little girl is always so cute to him. 

Even though we would always want to be closer to family I feel like heavenly father has made everything work perfectly to help us succeed over the next few years.  Everything with school has worked out perfectly for our family and the fact that we have such a large community of support through church.  There are so many good things that Heavenly Father has blessed our family with.  It would be hard for me to look at all that is falling into place for us and not see that it it’s because of Him.


And now for Michael’s reality check.

I would like to correct my wife.  She was right about Lake Powell, but then got all mushy about friends and stuff and that is a steaming pile of Idaho.

We filled my Father-in-laws trailer with all our worldly possessions, and most of whatever Louann had including her couch.  If it wasn’t nailed down, it was coming with me.  I realized that I would be a crappy pioneer.  I would be the Steve-Martin-in-the-Jerk of all pioneers. 

“And that's the only thing I need is this. I don't need this or this. Just this ashtray... And this paddle game. - The ashtray and the paddle game and that's all I need... And this remote control. - The ashtray, the paddle game, and the remote control, and that's all I need... And these matches. - The ashtray, and these matches, and the remote control, and the paddle ball... And this lamp. - The ashtray, this paddle game, and the remote control, and the lamp, and that's all I need.  And that's all I need too. I don't need one other thing, not one... I need this. - The paddle game and the chair, and the remote control, and the matches for sure. Well what are you looking at? What do you think I'm some kind of a jerk or something! - And this. That's all I need.”

We then started the trek northward toward the tundra.  On the advice of my Mother I finally decided to listen to the recording of Big Pappa Bob Anderson’s funeral for the first time in the car. 

I blubbered and cried from Tremonton to Boise. 

It was fitting that Larry Richardson (the man who shares our family cabin with us) spoke on my Dad’s funeral CD, because when we arrived in Moscow to our new home, it smelled and felt just like the cabin at the beginning of the year.  We had no lights, (all lit by lamps now thank you Matt!) the carpet made Owens feet black, and it was hotter than “something on Sunday” to quote Garrison.

The College is a Frat college.  We live at the end of Greek Row, and we live by the smokers.  That is fun.  School is a 10 min walk though right through campus.  That pleases me.

We are moved in and happy, she did get that right.  It’s fun to be our little family.  Owen has his best friend Doggy, a little stuffed Dog from the Glaittli’s, and is communicating better and better every day.  I feel bad that everyone in the world doesn’t get to have the joy of coming home to this little kid, seeing his eyes light up, and run to you.  He jabbers about his whole day, and in the process, makes mine fantastic.
Sorry there are no pictures yet.  We will be adding them as soon as we find the cord that transfers them to the computer.  Love you all.
Final night with all the cousins.

One of the many parks here in student living.
Orientation with daddy.

This is the Park in the Mall.

(Michaels Note: I have no idea who these kids are.)

Learning the principles of Negligence and Recklessness in regards to vehicles.