Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Owen’s getting to big!!!

I can’t believe how fast time goes by.  I really feel like we just brought Owen home from the hospital yesterday.  And now it’s time to bring home his little brother!!!  On top of that Owen is learning so quickly and saying new words every day.  Although only Mike and I know what he is trying to say 95 percent of the time, it’s just so exciting to see him growing and learning.  His new favorite things are cars, cats, and anything to do with being outside.  That’s pretty much all I hear all day is.  Mom outside…? And then when we outside he finds the closest pile of dirt and sits down to throw rocks.  I know everyone says that you have to change newborn baby clothes like 10 times a day.  Because there always getting so dirty.  But that was never the case at our house.   But as soon as Owen learned about dirt and rocks it was game over for us.  On top off all the playing in the dirt I’m truly not sure if any of the food I give him ever makes it in his mouth.  It really is gross… In his hair, on the chair but never in his mouth!!! It drives me so crazy.  He is so clean and cute and cuddly every night before bed.  But you would never know that if saw during the day. 
When I said it was time to bring home his new little brother I wasn’t kidding!!!  This baby should be here any day now.  I went to the doctor yesterday and was 4 centimeters dilated and 80 percent effaced.   So when he decides to make his entrance into this world we probably won’t have much time.  Which makes me nerves for a couple of reasons, one I’m not sure I would like to bring this baby into the world without an epidural. But I might not have an option.  Two I’m a little nerve’s to see how Owen will react.  He loves babies and kids.  And he is so cute with all the new babies in our ward.  But it’s always a different story when the baby doesn’t leave at the end of the day.  So I guess will see soon enough.
I told the doctor that I didn’t want the baby to arrive until my mom gets here on Thursday.  She kind of laughed and said we will try our best.  And so that we could make sure Michael would be present at the birth of his second baby boy.  She is going to break my water on Saturday if he hasn’t already arrived.
I really I’m so excited to meet this new little person.  And it’s going to be so fun for Owen to have a friend that never has to go home at the end of the day.  Here are a bunch of pictures of all the fun stuff we’ve been doing lately.
At dads school waiting for him to come have lunch with us.  Owen loves it here because there are tons of rocks and dirt and grass to play in.  I'm going to be very sad when it's to could to come here. 

We went to a dinner at the bishop’s house.  Which was so beautiful and it was fun to be at a real house for a minute.  Owen quickly found rocks and started recruiting all the children to come play in the dirt.  Not sure all the parents were on bored with the idea.     

We love coming up to visit and have lunch with Mike on campus.  Owen get so excited to see him and it make the day so much fun.  These are some of my favorite moments up here.  And it makes it all worth it.

Johnny and Owen at play group.  Owen thinks he is bigger that then he really is and climes on everything and goes down all of the slides by himself.  He wouldn’t even think twice if I dropped him off and left.

 See what I mean about being dirty and gross.  Playing in puddles is one thing.  But why do we need to drink them again?????

Bath time is one my favorite times of day.  Mainly because he gets a clean and cuddly, he loves it as well.  We go to the dollar store and get glow sticks.  Owen thinks it the coolest thing ever and uses them as drums.  We it’s time to get out I tell Owen we need to put the toys to bed.  So he gathers them up and kisses each one before handing them to meJ

This is Owen trying to tell me to turn on the TV.  But I knew he would want to play outside more as you can see his cute smile!!!

We got to go to the far.  And Mike even let me get a jumbo size bag of cotton candy!!!  Owen loved see all the animals.  But I think his favorite part was dancing to the music with the kids.  He even was brave enough to go sit on the stairs of the stage.  Then he slowly scooted away as the lady singer came to sing to him.  It was pretty funny. The video is coming soon.

Yes this is for real!
See he loves other people’s babies.  Let’s just hope he loves ours!!!

Giving the horsey a kiss.
And of course it wouldn’t be any fun without getting in the dirtJ
Eating pretzels at the mall.

Yes I’m that mom… but he just looks so cute!!!!

Playing with our neighbors.



  1. Owen is getting big! I am so excited to see pictures of your new baby boy!!! It looks like you guys have enjoyed Idaho so far. Miss you!

  2. Awesome Meggie! Love and miss you!
